PRESS RELEASE – April 1, 2015

For immediate release

Mantic Games announces Kings of War: Final Days

With the massive success of its Kings of War fantasy miniature mass battle miniature game, Mantic is pleased to announce the latest edition : Final Days.

The new edition of the game features:

The new edition will be released in a series of 5 $100 supplements, each of which will detail a small piece of the destruction of the current world, and including retro-active rules to destroy any semblance of the current game balance as you know it.

Mantic founder and president, Rennie Ronton, was quoted as saying “We know what our customers want.  We don’t need to do market surveys or ask them, they just need to buy everything we put out and quit complaining.  You thought it was bad what we did to wights – wait until you see how we are going to ****-up the dwarfs!”

For more information got to